heeeeyy, you made it!
welcome to hell. not as hot as you thought it'd be, huh?
Who is this?

hello fellow gamers
it is i.i am the spoon enthusiast, although you may know me as spoon or cufusti, or the broken soup spoon.
i’m just a twerp on the internet who likes to draw, write, animate, and stay up till fuckin midnight thinking about random shit
i don't know why i put a lot of time into this carrd, considering no one'll see it. but eh!! it's quality over quantity for me!
about yours truly.

before you int? i suppose?:
-- is below 18 (a minor)
-- confused easily.
-- asexual. not looking for love.
-- can't spell sometimes.
-- horror and sandbox enjoyer.
-- cares about your well-being.
-- can't figure out her kins
-- overall a cool goofdo not come near me if:-- you meet any basic dni critieria. (p3d0, anti-lgbtq+, racist, all of that)
-- that's it, really. just act cool and we'll be cool.please speak to me if:-- you are also a fellow silverware enthusiast
-- you are a terraria, zardy's maze, friday night funkin', sonic the hedgehog, or madness combat enjoyer
-- you have a skin of spirit, sunky, sanic, lord x, majin sonic, or tails doll. they're all so scrunkly i love the m 🥺🥺 *-discomforts/triggers(?):-- i don't have many discomforts. heh---* can also relate to pony town or any similar website.
le funny questions

-- why "broken soup spoon" of all names?pointless spoon lore moment :shocked:
the name "broken soup spoon" was inspired by an episode of xavier renegade angel, shakashuri blowdown. yep... the one where xavier argues with his own clone.to quote both of them:
"you're about as deep as a bowl of soup, and your tongue is as sharp as a soup spoon."
"hey, say what you want about me, but lay off the soup."on the topic of the show, it's beautiful, but it's like half an acid trip. please check it out if you can.
as for the "spoon enthusiast" name, it just came along with the latter.-- wanna work on my-
i can't mod-- you draw and anmiate???? d... d-do you do commissions??//??
well, i do draw, but i don't animate a lot. but on some occasions, i miight make a cool drawing/animation. depends on the day.
as for commisions, i don't do them... yet. i may make a separate carrd on commissions... shrug.-- what the fuck is this carrd?...yeah.
where i can be found
i use quite a few funky websites...